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Endodontic is the specialty that deals with root canal treatment and all associated things. When a cavity is unattended for a long time the bacteria burrow deep into the tooth to reach the center where the nerve chamber is.
Once infected this chamber and the canals that lead to it cannot heal on its own and hence require Root Canal Treatment. This basically means that the nerve chamber and canals need to be cleaned and filled.

What is Root Canal Treatment?
A root canal is a procedural treatment done to repair and save the infected or severely damaged teeth.
During this procedure, the nerve is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without Root Canal Treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and may form abscesses.


  • Normal symptoms include
  • Continuous tooth pain that may increase at night
  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold food
  • Inability to chew from that side
  • Feeling of a swelling in the area that needs root canal treatment
Why Is Root Canal Treatment required?
  • It relieves all the pain and discomfort.
  • It saves your tooth from extraction.
  • It maintains the natural tooth function.
  • It avoids the complication which occurs after the tooth removal.
How long the Restored Tooth can last?
  • Restored tooth or teeth can last for a lifetime with proper dental care. Tooth decay can still occur in treated teeth.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help prevent further complications.
How is it performed?
  • A local anaesthetic is given and the dentist creates and opening
  • With very fine dental instruments the nerves are removed to expose the nerve chambers
  • The nerve chambers are cleansed thoroughly and enlarged
  • The chambers are hence filled with artificial filler and then sealed and the tooth is given a temporary restoration
  • A final restoration is done by a specialist who may decide to cap the tooth. This depends on the amount of tooth surface available
  • This therapy is always beneficial to a patient as it aims at saving the natural tooth. Removing the tooth, on the other hand, may lead to various jaw problems and adjacent teeth may drift into the missing tooth space creating further complications